In 1850, engineers at Viviers of France researched and designed an extremely durable and aesthetically pleasing brick, made entirely by hand with the help of steam-operated presses. – that is the encaustic cement tile. Impressed by the quintessential beauty on the patterned lines of the brick, the Spanish introduced this type of brick throughout Latin America in the 60s of the nineteenth century. After that, it was gradually noticed by India and Italy because of the uniqueness that no flooring products had at that time. By 1920, encaustic cement tiles were considered as high-class materials, used to decorate palaces of the upper class, castles in France or even government buildings in Berlin … It can be said, with a variety of colors as well as luxurious beauty, artistic sophistication, encaustic cement tiles quickly became a new standard in the interior decoration industry at that time.

By the end of the nineteenth century, the French brought with them Western techniques and advances to build a modern infrastructure system in Vietnam. Along with the process of formation and development, Vietnamese architectures were continuosly affected by technique, space, engineering, construction materials with French architecture, and since then, encaustic cement tiles have obviously become a material associated with the French sophistication and elegance which still remain its value to this day.


Originating in 1993, Hoang Hai Co., Ltd was just a family shop specializing in making floor tiles and mainly produced on a small scale. In the very first years of the early 1990s, the international integration has became a business trend, Hoang Hai Company has initialy taken the opportunity and strived to become one of the most professional cementtiles factories in Southern Vietnam at that time.

Up to now,  with nearly 30 years of experience, Hoang Hai still continues on keeping and promoting the traditional value and art of the Vietnamese tiles industry through each tiles that we create. Our entire products are handcrafted with natural ingredients, unburnt and also do not use any harmful chemicals that could lead to environmental pollution. The tiles in use is completely friendly, aesthetic, luxurious and durable with the criteria of ONE TILE – ONE LIFESPAN

Have a factory of more than 6000 square meters located in Hoc Mon, Ho Chi Minh City, our capacity is vary from 6000 to 7000 meters square tiles with absolute and homogeneous product perfection. Hoang Hai is a gathering place for experienced tiles-artisans with passion as well as they are profession. We are always researching and releasing new tiles model patterns along with improving sophistication and adding artistic values to existing models.

Thanks to the ISO 9001: 2008 certified production and preservation process, Hoang Hai has brought the valuable traditional tiless to around the world. The external market is widely with more than 20 countries importing Hoang Hai Cementtiles monthly, and aslo many different regions of Vietnam is contribute to the internal market of Hoang Hai Co., Ltd.